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Sullivan’s Island Hurricane Shutters


Are you a Sullivan’s Island homeowner looking for protective hurricane shutters? Shutter Service & Sales, LLC proudly serves Sullivan’s Island. We’re here to help you find a customized solution that protects against the harsh winds, moisture and debris that comes with a tropical storm or hurricane. Our variety of hurricane shutters and our commitment to providing excellent service makes us the ideal company in Sullivan’s Island to handle your project.

Want to learn more about hurricane shutters for windows and other entrances? Just ask.

When a hurricane or tropical storm comes, homes without the appropriate shutters are left vulnerable to heavy winds and flying debris. With little more than a piece of glass separating your home from the storm, your family and precious belongings become vulnerable. Installing hurricane shutters can make a vast difference in this scenario – and can mean the difference between a damaged home and an unscathed one.

Sullivan’s Island is no stranger to hurricanes and tropical storms. In 1989, Hurricane Hugo caused extensive damage to the region, and the island was not spared. Homes with nothing more than glass windows and doors experienced much harsher damage than homes equipped with protective shutters or hurricane panels.

With Shutter Service and Sales LLC, your Sullivan’s Island home stays protected from coastal storm elements. With hurricane shutters for your windows and doors, you’re able to protect your most valuable asset and enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re safe when a storm comes.

Charleston Storm Shutter Service Areas